Saturday, 11 February 2012


dsUnzh; fon~;ky; QjhndksV Nkouh 151203
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA FARIDKOT CANTT 151203                                                   
nwjHkk’k@Phone 01639-251226

To                                                                                                                          Date   07.02.2012
 The  Principal
All Kendriya Vidyalayas (Under Distt. 2)
Chandigarh Region


Sir/ Madam  
With reference to KVS(RO) Chandigarh letter NO.F 15036/KVS(CR)Acd/2010/dated 05.07.2011.It has been decided to hold the Cubs &Bulbuls Utsav of Bharat Scout & Guides of Kendriya Vidyalayas of Chandigarh region(Distt. 2)  at the following venue  w.e.f 21-2-12 to 23-02-12 .
·         Kendriya Vidyalaya Faridkot Cantt (All Vidyalayas under Distt.No2 will participate)
Every Vidyalaya will depute 6 Cubs & 6 Bulbuls of the Vidyalaya to attend the Utsav duly escorted by the trained Cub Master/Scout-Master/GuideCaptain/Flock leader preferably.The Minimum eligible criteria to attend the Utsav are from 4th & 5th class students . The Cubs & Bulbuls should bring the following articles with them.
1.       General Log Book
2.       Two- Sets of Cubs & Bulbul uniform.
3.       2 Meter Knotting Rope
4.       Torch
5.       Utensil(Thali, Glass Katori)
6.       2 sets of personal clothes
7.       Light Bedding
8.       Things of general use like needle, thread,note book,pen ,pencil,eraser, crayons,sketch pen and etc.
The escort teacher will have to deposit the following amount at venue:-
1.DA @ Rs. 200/- per day, per head.
2.Registration fee@ Rs. 100/- per cub & Bulbul.
The list of participants duly signed by the Principal should be intimated to the undersigned before 11 Feb, 2011. At e-mail Id of & copy

  The main aim & objective to conduct the utsav is to inculcate the feeling of brotherhood , unity, national integration and engraving in them emotional, spiritual and physical soundness.

To test the knowledge, competency awareness and aptitude of the cubs & bulbuls the following competitions  will be conducted in the utsav and the winners will be awarded.
Competitions                                         Participants
1.      Group Song                                    8-12 Cubs/Bulbuls
2.      Group Dance                                 8-12 Cubs/Bulbuls
3.      Calligraphy                                     1 Cub & 1 Bulbul each for Hindi and Eng
4.      Poem recitation                            1 Cub & 1 Bulbul each for Hindi and Eng
5.      Quiz Contest                                  1 Cub & 1 Bulbul
[Based on Cub & Bulbul Movement and our Country- India]
6.      Rangoli Competition                    2 Cubs & 2 Bulbuls
7.      Computer Painting                       1 Cub & 1 Bulbul
8.      Cub/ Bulbul Greeting competition
9.      Sports      
a) 100 m Race                                 1 Cub & 1 Bulbul
b) Get ready (Uniform)                 1 Cub & 1 Bulbul
c) 3-Legged Race                            2 Cub & 2 Bulbul
          10.  First Aid Knowledge                      1 Cub & 1 Bulbul
All participants must report along with their escorts on 20th Feb, 2012 (A/N) and they will be relieved on 23rd Feb, 2012(A/N).
1.      Depute one male and one female trained teacher separately to escort Cubs & Bulbuls.
2.      Material required for the competition should be brought by the participants.

Yours faithfully

(Baljit Kaur)
Principal KV FDK

Copy to:-
1.       Sh. M.S Chauhan (The Deputy Commissioner & Divisional Chief Commissioner (S&G),KVS(CR),Chandigarh for information please.
2.       Sh.Hargopal, (Assistant Commissioner KVS(CR) Chandigarh.
3.       Sh. A.K Upadhyaye, Principal KV No.1 Bathinda Cantt.(Distt.Chief Commissioner )
4.       Sh. A.K. Yadav, Principal K.V. No.3 AFS Bhisiana, Bathinda [Distt. Commissioner]

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